HotRock Worship at Home Playlist

Here is June's playlist for you and your family to use to worship together. Our playlist this month focuses on praising the Lord so lots to get up and dance to as we celebrate our great God!

Listen on Spotify

Listen on YouTube

Parenting Resources

❤️ Know and Grow🌱 Resources

Helping children hear from God for their friends

This link takes you to some really practical ways to help your children spend time with God and listening to what He wants to say to them for their friends. It includes some lovely printables the children can use to pass to their friends too.

3 Simple Activities To Help Your Kids Hear From God For Their Friends - Raising Little Disciples

❤ Showing God's love to others

As Christians, we're called to 'break out': mission and evangelism is a crucial part of our faith. Part of parenting our kids for faith is helping them become passionate about mission and evangelism so that they care about it and own it.

Open Doors World Watch list children's pack

Open Doors have put together this brilliant free pack of activities and stickers you can use as a family to pray for the top 50 countries where following Jesus costs the most.

Open Doors UK & Ireland

Sunday Message Resources for Families